This volume continues where Volume III left off. It covers the false gods' names used in every church now, The false holidays in the church, more attributes of a saint, sermon on the mount, light, and darkness of the soul, seeks ye first the kingdom of Yahweh and Yahshua, judgment is mine says Yahweh, not to heave treasured items, was the first covenant done away with, marriage and divorce, what happens after you die, a timeline of the end times, and the festivals of Yahweh and more.
Publication date
June 14,2022
979-8-88622-343-9 (E-BOOK)
Religion/Spirituality/New Age
Interior Color
Black and White
Book Size
6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)
About The Author
I grew up in the modern churches but Yahweh kept showing my many things that did not match what I was being taught. So I begged for the truth for serval days. Then I got a mind dump and it took 6 months to write the first drafts for all 6 of my first books. After that Lyme’s Disease nearly killed me. But Yahweh saved me to get the books published.
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