High in the Swiss Alps in a quaint village far away from the chaos and destruction of World War II, Angelica leads an idyllic childhood haunted by only one thing--her fear of water. But as Angelica develops into a strong, independent woman, her desire to travel becomes overpowering, and she vows to overcome her paralyzing fear one day. Now her chance has come.
Even as Angelica's father attempts to squelch her insatiable desire to explore Greece and eventually meet her Uncle Victor in the New World, Angelica secures a job as a travel guide and bravely books her first passage on a voyage captained by an old Greek. As Captain Angelis adds wisdom and comfort to Angelica's first voyage, he has no idea that an unexpected adventure awaits them in the unpredictable Mediterranean Sea. Strengthened by her traumatic experience, Angelica safely arrives in Greece where she quickly proves herself in her new job. But when she is pursued by a handsome Greek, she soon realizes that her heart lies with someone else.
Publication date
June 21,2022
979-8-88622-391-0 (E-BOOK)
Contemporary, Romance
Interior Color
Black and White
Book Size
6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)
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