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by Jacqueline Wearing

About The Book

"Great'ma was brought back to her Granddaughter's house as she was thought to be dying. She recovers and we live with the rich treasures of her memory, and her perception of the ages she has lived through. Four generations are depicted in the novel and these live and breathe through the writing. Her great grandson, Jeffrey, finds notebooks she wrote during her life, and the relationship between them develops in these pages. Her character becomes clearer as we follow this in the novel, and, also as we experience her interchange with the family around her This is an author who has an affinity with Jane Austen in her ability to bring character so to life. This comprehensive collection of works celebrates Jacqueline Wearing's career from the 1960s until present, charting a fascinating and markedly individual exploration of diverse medium, technique and subject. Working varyingly with oil, watercolour, pastel, photography and assemblage, it is clear that Wearing relishes an element of discovery as she creates: she experiments freely with form in the Taking Shape series; delights in colour as the light bursts through her highly atmospheric Sunrise series; and employs a richly free handling to reveal an enigmatic presence within her stunning Un-nam"
ISBN 978-1-948304-37-5 (Paperback)
978-1-948304-38-2 (E-BOOK)
Genre Poetry, Action and Adventure, Children's Book / Picture Book, Contemporary
Pages 148 pages


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