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It Takes a Willing Mind to Serve God

It Takes a Willing Mind to Serve God

by Dr. Catherine Braswell

About The Book

As Christians, we have an obligation to complete the work that God has charged to our hands. We are to be actively fulfilling the great commission given to us in the book of Mark 16:15b to " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Even though it is our charge to do this, we should also have a dedicated willing heart and mind to get the commission of God done. Yes, there will be times when you may feel like it cannot be done, but with the Holy Spirit of God living on the inside of you, all things are possible to Him who believes. You must believe. Without a willing mind to work and stay the course, nothing will ever happen for you. You will only receive the rewards from God according to the work you have performed and the condition of your heart and mind when you performed it. I would like to take the authority of The Holy Scriptures to help you develop a willing mind to do the work of God daily in your life.

Publication date December 01,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-757-7 (E-BOOK)
Genre Religion/Spirituality/New Age
Pages 106
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 4.000" x 6.000" (152mm x 102 mm)


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