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Millie's Honor and Letters to Millie

Millie's Honor and Letters to Millie

Two Novels

by Neal Powers

About The Book

An English teacher with a desire to make the world a better place arrived in Raleigh during the civil rights era. She didn't just teach English; she taught her students to think. That influenced a future sheriff, a grocer, and  journalist who went to Vietnam.

Miss Margaret Millicent McKenna was a force. She changed the editorial policy of the Raleigh Journal Messenger, established the Well-Stone Writing Festival, and changed the community for good. No one expected her to fall in love with one of her former students, Raymond Thornton, a tortured Vietnam veteran, but she did. He was a writer, and without her he was nothing.

Publication date October 26,2022
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88622-721-5 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fiction, Contemporary
Pages 460
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

Neal Powers is a living anachronism. He holds a bachelor's and master's degree in art. He served in the US Air Force during the Vietnam War, commissioned in the USAF ROTC. While on active duty, he saw the duplicity of war. "We are winning the war in Vietnam," said the president. But M. Scott Peck, a member of the team of psychologists who reviewed the My Lai massacre, ultimately defined evil: group evil, and individual evil. Neal has seen that evil. Suffering from PTSD as a result of aircraft accident investigation while an FAA Aviation Safety Investigator, Neal knows what evil smells like, looks like, and acts like.

"Fortunately, Neal also understands the power of love."


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