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No Reflection

No Reflection

Are You Who You Thought You Were?

by Christopher Johnson

About The Book

God is capable of creating such perfection and splendor and must have a great plan and a purpose for us. Well, he does; he wants to reveal that purpose to us and to show us the way out of the pain, the sorrow we have brought on ourselves (self-inflicted wounds) from rejecting his ways. Perception is what determines how we believe; if our perception is wrong, we believe in error because perception is not always reality. Love is the cause that effectively affects people, but sometimes, we go in circles because we can’t see the path. And sometimes, it’s just because we believe we are smarter than the average bear, and we tell ourselves it is what it is, but this stems from self-inflicted wounds that are often initiated by dictated living, things you didn’t see because you were too busy looking. In some cases, vanity might be the reason greed did not reveal the deception that was at work because we might have been in a state of “Hurry up and wait.” Selfishness is the syndrome that misleads or deceives most often. If we learn to trust in God’s plan, we learn to live a life of integrity and develop a giving spirit; we learn to forgive as we learn to be servants. In the end, we learn that love is life’s only true satisfaction.

Publication date March 12,2022
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88622-109-1 (E-BOOK)
Genre Religion/Spirituality/New Age
Pages 136
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

I, Chris Johnson, am a believer in God the Father; Jesus (the Risen Savior), God’s only begotten Son; and the Holy Spirit of God that comforts and guides us to the things of God. I have encountered many people who liked to tell me certain things about their lives—some I know and some I don’t know. People just like to tell me things. A stranger would tell me his or her personal things, and when I ask why I was chosen, he or she would answer, “It is just something about you.” I am a good listener. I listen to what they are feeling as well as what they are saying because one word can have several different effects, depending on their feelings at the time the word was spoken. These writings are mostly roundtable discussions that I have had in various settings, concerning these things that people would tell me.


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