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The Blacksmith's Arm

The Blacksmith's Arm

by Keith L. Wright

About The Book

Two young men growing up with all the problems that young men face. Awkwardness with girls, yet longing for some form of intimate, even sexual contact. Trying to find their place in their family, and with their peers. Nothing remarkable about that except these two young men, both called John, lived centuries apart. One a blacksmith's son around the time of The English Civil War and the other a publican's son shortly after the start of the millennium. Both lived in turbulent times, and their feelings were stirred by stories regaled by visitors to the forge or the pub. Finally, both leave the family home, angry for reasons they couldn't really explain, looking for something but not knowing what that was. They are both caught up in the violence, one as a soldier fighting for Cromwell, the other as a policeman in the riots of 2011. Violence overwhelms them and their lives become a spiral of despair and their only hope seems to be through the love of a woman. But that is not a certainty. History seems to be repeating itself and old certainties disappear. Smile at the mistakes, sadly reflect on the horrors and laugh at the tales. Most of all enjoy the journey.

Publication date October 26,2022
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88622-719-2 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fiction, Contemporary
Pages 290
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 5.000" x 8.000" (203mm x 127mm)

About The Author

Keith was born in Surrey and it was at grammar school that his interest in writing was stimulated by a particularly motivating English master. It was, however, not until his retirement that he found the time and the interest to consider writing seriously. He now lives in Buckinghamshire and is married with two lovely sons who both enjoy successful careers and relationships. He also has a property in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands where the sunshine and the local beer and wine encourage his imagination.


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