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Bread & Joy

Bread & Joy

The Paths of Plenitude

by Marcos H. Nogueira Rossi

About The Book

"War looms on the horizon in England, and Frank, a troubled young man, feels lost and unprepared until an unconventional mentor steps in and braces him for the difficult life of a soldier. However, World War II surprises Frank in drastic ways, forcing him to return to his origins in search of a new beginning. What he finds there, changes him forever."

Publication date December 07,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-792-8 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fantasy, Romance
Pages 324
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

Marcos H. N. Rossi is an economist, business administrator, and life coach who currently works at a Fortune 100 organization. He is the author of the book, Flowers on the Balcony. Marcos lives in Miami, Florida, with his wife, Vania, his sons, Gianlucca and Gianpietro, and their dog, Luna.


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