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Ideas, Not Talking Points!

Ideas, Not Talking Points!

by F.M. Fleagle

About The Book

Party politics, power and greed have become the strategy of our elected officials in the federal government. The policy makers have turned their backs on the people and now work harder at keeping us angry at each other more than they do working to solve important issues that would unite us. Government has forgotten the word compromise. Everything is “take it or leave it” or “my way or no way” when it comes to making law. The once open individual minds of our Congress have been replaced with re-election fears of party desertion.

Ideas, Not Talking Points presents a new and different approach to solving many of those important issues that our government avoids. Though most people feel a strong sense to belong, its goal is to demonstrate that many people are still individuals dedicated to their country’s original ideals and will step forward, out of the crowd, to help create a positive movement. Here is what we can do!

Publication date February 19,2022
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88622-008-7 (E-BOOK)
Genre Social Sciences
Pages 210
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

Born in Gettysburg, PA in 1944, I spent most of my life living in and around a small town at the base of the Catoctin Mountains in Maryland.
   Growing up rather poor helped me develop an instinct for survival and an imagination for adventure in the outdoors.
   Joining the Navy in 1966 was my chance to make something of myself. I soon learned that it takes more than myself to be a success at anything.
    I met and married my wife and raised a family that included two daughters after leaving the Navy.
    The training and educational benefits I received in the military provided a base to begin a new career in manufacturing plants. Additional education, through various colleges, provide me more opportunities to finally retire as a Project Manager in Engineering.
      I’ve seen a lot in my time and with all that’s happening in our country, I needed to once again use my imagination and offer solutions that seem to be out of reach at the moment. And once again I know I can’t do it alone.


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