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Let’S Start a Luvolution

Let’S Start a Luvolution

by Southern Stardove

About The Book

The time has come!

The invitation has arrived at last. If you have been waiting for your life to improve, then have hope. Divine beings of love and light are calling those who are ready, those who have chosen to live in peace and joy instead of fear and sadness. Are you ready to join and usher your higher self in a new world of paradise? If you have been hoping for a happier, more peaceful, and more powerful life, then are you willing to take part in the healing of the world? Now your time has come. Now you can choose to fulfill your ultimate purpose for this lifetime. With our thoughts, we create our world, so the direction of our evolution is in the hearts, minds, and hands of each one of us. What sort of a world are we creating now? What sort of a world do you want to create? The picture of the world we are seeing now is only a reflection of our collective consciousness. As we evolve, awaken, and remember our true authentic essence, our Divine state of mind, then our outer world picture will adjust and reflect to us the same beauty, peace, and love that can be discovered within ourselves. Are you ready and willing to accept this invitation and become a co-creator of paradise?

of the sixties REVOLUTION
Let’s start a LUVOLUTION

Publication date January 06,2022
Language English
ISBN 978-1-63871-851-2 (Paperback)
978-1-63871-852-9 (E-BOOK)
Genre Self-Help
Pages 90
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 5.500" x 8.500" (216mm x 140mm)


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