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New Concept

New Concept

Within Silence . . . Finding Your Power and Purpose

by MindScope Seven

About The Book

This book is a masterfully paradoxical approach to resolving conflict, providing the tools necessary for transformative and lasting change. Not for the faitn of heart!

New Concept: Within Silence . . . Finding Your Power and Purpose is a revolutionary guide in overcoming obstacles and living life as the authoentic self, while in a world beckoning the opposite, rewarding despair, loss, and doom. A gift to any who has quietly suffered abuse, oppression, or invisibility from the labels and boxes devised by oppressors holding our lives hostage.

A portion of all book sales will be donated to charities committed to the works of good stewardship.

Publication date December 14,2022
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88622-804-5 (E-BOOK)
Genre Autobiography/Biography/Memoir
Pages 276
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 5.500" x 8.500" (216mm x 140mm)


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