The Old Leadership of Zion is a metaphor employed to illustrate leadership in a Christian venue. The primary recipients are secondary church leaders, example boards and group supervisors, auxiliary leaders, Sunday school and bible school teachers, and deacons and ministers. Leadership concepts prosper in most situations; however, styles and approaches vary significantly between profit and non-profit institutions. Still, Christian Leadership is a bird of a different color. The primary motor that drives Christian Leadership is Servanthood and love of Christ.
The book travels through every aspect of leadership and the makeup of leaders. Even though the primary focus is on secondary Christian leaders, it also introduces a leader called a Zion leader. This particular leader has the basic skills of Christians and real-world leadership.
Publication date
May 13,2022
979-8-88622-271-5 (E-BOOK)
Religion/Spirituality/New Age
Interior Color
Full Color
Book Size
6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)
About The Author
Cecil Gaffney was born to L. B. and Winifred Gaffney on October 19, 1939, in Clarksville, Texas. This couple had two daughters: Mamie and Rose.
In 1948, his family relocated to Hobbs, New Mexico. When he enrolled in Booker T Washington School System, he remained in the system until joining the United States Air Force in October 1956.
In February 1957, he married Doris Ann Doss. They had four children: Gary, Nerressa, Sheryl, and Jeffery.
He served 28 years in the Air Force; he retired as Chief Master Sergeant in February 1984. After retirement, Cecil entered the Criminal Justice career field as a Director of Transitional Facilities.
A Member of True Vine Community Church. He held several high-level positions, such as Chief Finance Officer and Chairperson of the Deacon Board His Education included two AA degrees, a Bachelor of Science degree, and a Master of Public Administration.
A great book, all Christian leaders should read
Jun 20, 2022
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