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Virgil's Story

Virgil's Story

by Virgil D. Mochel

About The Book

The first part of the story explains how Virgil’s ancestors from Europe all arrived at that small region called Woodland, Indiana. Emphasis is on what was going on in that part of each one’s world to cause them to migrate to this country and eventually to that spot in Indiana. Wars, religious intolerance, and decisions by the various kings or queens were the driving forces that caused so many to leave their homelands and look for better conditions. Life on a farm during the Great Depression and World War II is described in some detail. The emotional devastation upon learning of the deaths of two brothers in that war took a heavy toll on the Mochel Family. The second part deals with the many varied experiences of Virgil and Marian as they traveled their life-journey together, up to the present time.

Publication date June 04,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-239-8 (E-BOOK)
Genre Autobiography/Biography/Memoir
Pages 630
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

Virgil was born in 1930 and reared on a farm near South Bend, Indiana during the Great Depression and World War II, both of which had tremendous influences on his life. In 1972 he, his wife Marian, and their three children moved to a small farm where he still enjoys gardening, tending a small apple orchard, and raising beef cattle. They have eight grandchildren and one great grandchild, all of whom seem to enjoy visiting grandpa's farm. Upon earning a PhD in physical chemistry from the University of Illinois, his professional career has involved molecular structure research and process development. He has published many papers in technical journals, but his real love of writing led him to write hundreds of humorous skits during a 35-year period for an annual "Sweetheart" dinner at his church. He has also written, produced, and directed twenty full-length Christmas plays for his church. Some highlights of his life have been enjoying his family, playing a sousaphone in the Purdue All-American Band, entertaining various groups with his 105 year-old tuba, and singing bass in a barbershop quartet and in the church choir.


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